I recently watched
Sci Fi Channel's Ghost Hunters for the first time and I was quite impressed. Not that I'm a super judge of quality TV or anything but I was definitely entertained by this show. If you haven't seen it before, it's a reality type program that follows around two Roto Rooter employees who run a paranormal investigation company in their spare time.
You'd think that something called
Ghost Hunters would be a double cheesy show being that it's a reality program and the fact that it deals with ghosts but that wasn't the case. These guys take their job very seriously and are outfitted with all the latest technologies that a ghost hunter would need. It's interesting to watch how they set up their equipment and stake out a house hoping to find some proof of paranormal activity. In the episode that I saw, there was also some disagreements and arguments among the TAPS team members. I guess that's part of all reality shows but it wasn't as annoying in Ghost Hunters as it usually is in other reality shows.
So if you suspect that your house is haunted or you think you've seen a ghost, then give TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) a call.
It was just announced that Ghost Hunters will be back for another 13 episodes next year. That will be there fourth season to go along with the other three highly rated seasons. The Sci Fi Channel will also run six bonus episodes this spring and six more in the fall.